Little Sinner – Adventure Game
My fourth game at TGA was called Little Sinner, a top down adventure gamed loosely inspired by the Legend of Zelda series. After your untimely death you find yourself before the gates of Heaven as the sinner you are. Many sinners have ventured forth to these holy domains before but failed time and time again.
Will you be different and enjoy the rest of your existence behind these golden bars? Whether you slash your way through Heaven or simply play the pacifist’s route is all up to you little sinner. But be aware that the outcome may be different.
My contribution to the game was a mix of animations and rigging. My main focus was making sure that we had a ferocious boss to battle at the end with a heavy goat head. It was interesting to only have a head to animate when you often are so dependent on other body parts to sell your animations.

Boss animations

Other animations

I also rigged our Heavy Knight enemy who is a slow but effective warrior goes after you at first sight. The rattling armor pieces was a big part of their persona so I had to make them look loose and heavy.

I did this gate rig with a fun little animation for when the character ventures deeper into Heaven.

All the animations for the player had to be as short as possible because of the speed of enemies and the traversing of the levels.